We are here to answer any question you may have.
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Panama City
Available By Appointment Only
97 West Oak Avenue, Suite 300
Panama City, FL 32401
(located in MySpace Downtown coworking center)
Email: jared@doster.law
Phone: (850) 740-4224
Schedule Free 10 Minutes Case Evaluation
We are here to answer any question you may have.
Get in touch
Available By Appointment Only
Brickell Arch
1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 700
Miami, FL 33131
(located in the law offices of Carey Rodriguez, LLP)
Email: jared@doster.law
(850) 740-4224
Schedule Consultation
Doster Law – H. Jared Doster – Attorney at Law
No Legal Advice or Representation: This website is intended to provide general information and should never be relied upon for legal advice. No attorney/client relationship is established unless and until a written engagement letter is signed by both lawyer and client. This means that any information provided by this firm (whether through this website or otherwise) should be considered general in nature and is not legal advice unless and until this firm is officially hired as agreed upon in a written engagement letter signed by north lawyer and client.
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